Donate for us
Your sponsorship is extremely important for open-source organizations like ours. It helps us sustain our operations and accelerate our development efforts. With your support, we can organize events and initiatives that bring benefits to the community at large.

Donate via PayPal
You can donate us through PayPal with any amount you prefer. Please provide your contact information such as name and email so that we can send you a thank you letter.
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Sponsor for Young Monkeys
You can sponsor us annually with a minimum of $5,000 USD/year to receive special benefits.
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Donate us through Patreon
You can donate us through Patreon with any monthly amount. By becoming our patron, we will provide you with special benefits.
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Sponsor for Young Monkeys
You can sponsor us annually with a minimum of $5,000 USD/year to receive special benefits.
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Donate via TPBank
- Bank: TPBank
- Account number: 00775366001
- Account holder: TA VAN DUNG
- Amount: Any
Donate via Vietcombank
- Bank: Vietcombank
- Account number: 1013772070
- Account holder: TA VAN DUNG
- Amount: Any

Sponsor for Young Monkeys
You can sponsor us annually with a minimum of $5,000 USD/year to receive special benefits.
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