Introduce EzyHTTP
Updated at 16858463000001. Structure of EzyHTTP Server

- When client request to server, Servlet receive the request first
- The request must pass through the list of interceptor before pass to controller
- The controller handle the request and return response to the Servlet
- If have any exceptions unprocessed by the Interceptor and the Controller, an ExcetionHandler will process that exception and return result to the Servlet
- After all the Servlet will send the response to client
2. Install EzyHTTP
To create a http server application we need add dependency To use http client we need add dependency
<dependency> <groupId>com.tvd12</groupId> <artifactId>ezyhttp-server-boot</artifactId> <version>1.3.7</version> </dependency>
<dependency> <groupId>com.tvd12</groupId> <artifactId>ezyhttp-client</artifactId> <version>1.3.7</version> </dependency>
The latest version can be found in the Maven Central repository.
3. Example
Let’s say we need create an http server application to manage user, we need 2 apis
- api/v1/users/add: Add user to system
- api/v1/users/{username}: Get user by name
Firstly, we need create a maven project with
- name: user-management-application
- package: com.example.user_management
- java version: 1.8
Next, we need add ezyhttp-server-boot dependency We use lombok to generate getter, setter, constructor so you need install and add lombok dependency to pom.xm
3.1 Create the application entry point class
package com.example.user_management; import com.tvd12.ezyhttp.server.boot.EzyHttpApplicationBootstrap; import com.tvd12.ezyhttp.server.core.asm.RequestHandlerImplementer; public class App { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { RequestHandlerImplementer.setDebug(true); EzyHttpApplicationBootstrap.start(App.class); } }
3.2 Create User class to keep user information
package com.example.user_management.entity; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; import lombok.Setter; @Getter @Setter @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor public class User { protected String username; protected String password; }
3.3 Create UserService class to manage user information
public class UserService { protected final Map users = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); public User addUser(User user) { return users.put(user.getUsername(), user); } public User getUser(String username) { return users.get(username); } }
3.4 Create UserController class to handle request from client
package com.example.user_management.controller; import com.example.user_management.entity.User; import com.example.user_management.service.UserService; import com.tvd12.ezyfox.bean.annotation.EzyAutoBind; import com.tvd12.ezyhttp.core.exception.HttpConflictException; import com.tvd12.ezyhttp.core.exception.HttpNotFoundException; import com.tvd12.ezyhttp.core.response.ResponseEntity; import com.tvd12.ezyhttp.server.core.annotation.*; import lombok.Setter; @Setter @Controller("/api/v1/users") public class UserController { @EzyAutoBind protected UserService userService; @DoPost("/add") public ResponseEntity addUser(@RequestBody User user) { User existed = userService.addUser(user); if(existed == null) return ResponseEntity.ok(Boolean.TRUE); throw new HttpConflictException("user: " + user.getUsername() + " existed"); } @DoGet("/{username}") public User getUser(@PathVariable("username") String username) { User user = userService.getUser(username); if(user != null) return user; throw new HttpNotFoundException("user: " + username + " not found"); } }
3.4 Create logback.xml file in src/resources folder with content:
<configuration> <appender name="console"> <encoder> <pattern> %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} %msg%n </pattern> </encoder> </appender> <root level="info"> <appender-ref ref="console"></appender-ref> </root> </configuration>
Ok, we done all, let’s start main class ‘App’ and great! We’ve had a http server application.
3.5 Let’s take a test on postman
With api: /api/v1/users/add
we have:

With api: /api/v1/users/{username}
we have:

Awesome! Everything ok.
4. Create a client example
With client, we have 2 way (2 class) to call http request
- HttpClient: A simple http client, it simply open a connection, send the request and return the response, it only supports sync method
- HttpClientProxy: It use HttpClient class to send the request, but every request will add to a queue, and we need config number of threads to process this queue. It supports both sync and async method
Firstly, we need add ezyhttp-client dependency to maven Next, create a test package with name: com.example.user_management.test
in src/test/java
4.1 To test /api/v1/users/add
We need create a class ApiAddUserTest with content:
package com.example.user_management.test; import com.example.user_management.entity.User; import com.tvd12.ezyhttp.client.HttpClient; import com.tvd12.ezyhttp.client.request.PostRequest; import com.tvd12.ezyhttp.client.request.Request; import com.tvd12.ezyhttp.client.request.RequestEntity; import com.tvd12.ezyhttp.core.constant.StatusCodes; public class ApiAddUserTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient.builder() .build(); User body = new User(); body.setUsername("dev"); body.setPassword("123456"); RequestEntity entity = RequestEntity.body(body); Request request = new PostRequest() .setURL("http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users/add") .setEntity(entity) .setResponseType(Boolean.class) .setResponseType(StatusCodes.CONFLICT, String.class); Boolean reponse =; System.out.println("add user reponse: " + reponse); } }
And we get output: add user response: true.
4.2 To test /api/v1/users/add api
We need create a class ApiAddUserTest
with content:
package com.example.user_management.test; import com.tvd12.ezyhttp.client.HttpClientProxy; import com.tvd12.ezyhttp.client.request.GetRequest; import com.tvd12.ezyhttp.client.request.Request; import com.tvd12.ezyhttp.client.request.RequestEntity; import com.tvd12.ezyhttp.core.constant.StatusCodes; public class ApiGetUserTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { HttpClientProxy httpClient = HttpClientProxy.builder() .build(); httpClient.start(); RequestEntity entity = RequestEntity.builder().build(); Request helloRequest = new GetRequest() .setURL("http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users/dev") .setEntity(entity) .setResponseType(String.class) .setResponseType(StatusCodes.NOT_FOUND, String.class); String reponse =, 10000); System.out.println("get user reponse: " + reponse); } }
And we can see the output:
get user reponse: {"username":"dev","password":"123456"}
5. Conclusion
With EzyHTTP everything are simple, you don’t need care about HttpServlet, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, how to serialize/deserialize request/response and bean management, with IOC EzyHTTP will care for you.
6. List of examples
- ezydata-jpa: an example uses EzyHTTP and ezydata-jpa
- ezydata-mongodb: an example uses EzyHTTP and ezydata-mongodb
- ezydata-redis: an example uses EzyHTTP and ezydata-redis
- ezyhttp-login: an example uses EzyHTTP to login via google and facebook or username and password
- ezyhttp-thymeleaf: an example uses EzyHTTP and ezyhttp-thymeleaf
We can see how to handle client request.