Introduce EzyFox

Updated at 1699803592000
EzyFox is a java library, it is a heart of "Easy Eco-System". It wraps almost components of Java. You can use EzyFox to create your Projects, your Library or your Frameworks. And if you want to learn or study java, EzyFox will be a good idea.

Generics with EzyFox

Java provides collections framework to support Generics to specify the type of objects stored in a collection instance. EzyFox provides some ways to work with Java Collections to create an ArrayList.

    List stringList = Lists.newArrayList("Hello", "World");

Create a MultiMap:

    EzyMapSet multimap = new EzyHashMapSet<>();
    multimap.addItems("Hello", 1, 2, 3);
    multimap.addItems("World", 4, 5, 6);

Reflection with EzyFox

Reflection) allows programmer interact to package, class, method and field via name and you done need care about type. Reflection is usually used to boot up an Application. Because it's too slow so it usually combines with JIT to make powerful

Create an Instance

    Object string = EzyClasses.newInstance("java.lang.String");

Get methods of a class

    EzyClass stringClass = new EzyClass(String.class);
    List stringMethods = stringClass.getDeclaredMethods();

Get Generics argument of return type

    Method getStringsMethod = EzyMethods.getMethod(EzyReflectionExample.class, "getStrings");
    Type genericReturnType = getStringsMethod.getGenericReturnType();
    Class genericClass = EzyGenerics.getOneGenericClassArgument(genericReturnType);
    System.out.println("genericClass: " + genericClass);

Concurrency with EzyFox

Concurrency allows multi tasks run on multi threads and from version 1.6 Java's provided the java.util.concurrent package to support Concurrency Programming in many ways and EzyFox's provided to create a Thread Pool.
    ExecutorService threadPool = EzyExecutors.newFixedThreadPool(3, "test-thread-name");

Work with Future

    EzyFuture future = new EzyFutureTask();
    Thread newThread = new Thread(() -> {
        future.setResult("Hello World");
    String result = future.get();

Work with Lock

    EzyMapLockProvider lockProvider = new EzyHashMapLockProxyProvider();
    Lock lock = lockProvider.provideLock("test");
    try {
        // do something
    finally {

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