Introduce EzyFox Binding

Updated at 1685808547000
EzyFox Binding is a library for marshal POJO to EzyObject or EzyArray and unmarshal EzyObject and EzyArray to POJO.

1. Structure of EzyFox Binding

  1. EzyBindingContext: a composite object, it creates EzyMashaller and EzyUnmashaller object
  2. EzyMashaller: a composite object, it manages EzyWriter objects
  3. EzyUnmashaller: a composite object, it manages EzyReader objects
  4. EzyWriter: convert a POJO to EzyArray or EzyObject
  5. EzyReader: convert a EzyArray or EzyObject to POJO

EzyFox Binding also has many annotations and you can find out theme here.

2. Install EzyFox Binding

You can add to your dependency like this:


The latest version can be found in the Maven Central repository.

3. Create a EzyBindingContext

To create a EzyBindingContext you just need provide packages and EzyFox Binding will scan and create EzyReader, EzyWriter for which classes that's annotated by @EzyArrayBinding or @EzyObjectBinding annotations, example:

     final EzyBindingContext bindingContext = EzyBindingContext.builder()

4. Marshal an POJO

To marshal a POJO you need create a EzyMarshaller instance first, please remember you just need create only one EzyMarshaller instance. And then use marshal function to do. For which class's annotated with @EzyArrayBinding, it will be marshalled to EzyArray. For which class's annotated with @EzyObjectBinding, it will be marshalled to EzyObject, example:

    import com.tvd12.ezyfox.binding.annotation.EzyArrayBinding;
    import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
    import lombok.Data;
    import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
    public class Author {
        private long id;
        private String name;
    import com.tvd12.ezyfox.binding.annotation.EzyObjectBinding;
    import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
    import lombok.Data;
    import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
    public class Book {
        private long id;
        private String name;
        private long authorId;
    final EzyMarshaller marshaller = bindingContext.newMarshaller();
    final EzyObject bookMap = marshaller
        .marshal(new Book(1, "EzyFox in Action", 1));
    System.out.println("bookMap: " + bookMap);
    final EzyArray authorArray = marshaller
        .marshal(new Author(1, "Young Monkeys"));
    System.out.println("authorArray: " + authorArray);

5. Unmarshal a value

To unmarshal a value to POJO you need create a EzyUnmarshaller instance first, please remember you just need create only one EzyUnmarshaller instance. And then use unmarshal function to do. For which class's annotated with @EzyArrayBinding, it will be unmarshalled form a EzyArray. For which class's annotated with @EzyObjectBinding, it will be unmarshalled form a EzyObject, example:

    final EzyUnmarshaller unmarshaller = bindingContext.newUnmarshaller();
    final Book book = unmarshaller.unmarshal(bookMap, Book.class);
    System.out.println("book: " + book);
    final Author author = unmarshaller.unmarshal(authorArray, Author.class);
    System.out.println("author: " + author);

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