EzyFox Android Client SDK

Updated at 1685685880000

1. Introduce

EzyFox Android SDK is a java client library of EzyFox Server. It supports tcp protocol and use MessagePack for data transportation. You can use this SDK for every android projects and you can wrap it for React Native or Flutter. It's free available and open source on Github

2. Installation

Clone ezyfox-server-android-client to your project

git clone https://github.com/youngmonkeys/ezyfox-server-android-client.git

In your settings.gradle file, add:

    include ':socket'

In your build.gradle file, add the dependency:

    implementation project(path: ':socket')

3. Coding

Completed source code avalable on freetchat example.

3.1 Create a configuration

Please take a look EzyClientConfig file if you want to see more configurable fields

    val config = EzyClientConfig.builder()

3.2 Create a Client

After create the configuration, you can create a client like this. Take a look EzyClient and EzyClients to get more information

    val clients = EzyClients.getInstance()
    val client = clients.newClient(config)

3.3 Setup the Client

After create the Client, let's setup it, 'setup' mean add event handlers and data handlers. List of event handlers include:

  1. CONNECTION_SUCCESS: Fire when the client connected to server
  2. CONNECTION_FAILURE: Fire when the client connect to server failed
  3. DISCONNECTION: Fire when the client was disconnected from server
  4. LOST_PING: Fire when client send ping but didn't received pong command from server
  5. TRY_CONNECT: Fire when the client connect to server failed and retry to connect again

Take a look EzyEventType to get more information. List of data commands include:

  1. ERROR: Fire when the client received and error from server
  2. HANDSHAKE: Client send and receive handshake command
  3. PING: Client send ping command to keep connection
  4. PONG: Fire when client received pong response from server
  5. LOGIN: Client send and receive login command if login successfully
  6. LOGIN_ERROR: Fire when received login error response from server
  7. APP_ACCESS: Client send this command to join to an application and receive when join successfully
  8. APP_REQUEST: Client send data to an application on server and receive if there is any response
  9. APP_EXIT: Client send to server to exit from an application
  10. APP_ACCESS_ERROR: Fire when received join an application failed from server,
  11. APP_REQUEST_ERROR: Fire when received an error response from application on server,
  12. PLUGIN_INFO: Client send to get information of a plugin and receive response from server,
  13. PLUGIN_REQUEST: lient send data to an plugin on server and receive if there is any response

Take a look EzyCommand to get more information.

You can setup the client like this:

    val setup = client.setup()
    setup.addEventHandler(EzyEventType.CONNECTION_SUCCESS, ExConnectionSuccessHandler())
    setup.addEventHandler(EzyEventType.CONNECTION_FAILURE, EzyConnectionFailureHandler())
    setup.addEventHandler(EzyEventType.DISCONNECTION, ExDisconnectionHandler())
    setup.addDataHandler(EzyCommand.HANDSHAKE, ExHandshakeHandler())
    setup.addDataHandler(EzyCommand.LOGIN, ExLoginSuccessHandler())
    setup.addDataHandler(EzyCommand.APP_ACCESS, ExAccessAppHandler())
    setup.addEventHandler(EzyEventType.LOST_PING, LostPingEventHandler())
    setup.addEventHandler(EzyEventType.TRY_CONNECT, TryConnectEventHandler())

For TCP we need follow by the authenticaiton flow:

For UDP we need follow by the authenticaiton flow:

3.4 Customer an event handler

You can customer to do everything you want, please take a look handler package to see default event handlers and take a look to this file for full example.

    inner class ExDisconnectionHandler : EzyDisconnectionHandler() {
        override fun postHandle(event: EzyDisconnectionEvent) {
            val controller = mvc.getController("connection")
            val disconnectReason = event.reason
            if (disconnectReason == EzyDisconnectReason.CLOSE.id) {
                if (StateManager.getInstance().reconnnect) {
                    StateManager.getInstance().reconnnect = false
            else if(disconnectReason == EzyDisconnectReason.UNAUTHORIZED.id) {
                controller.updateViews("show-authentication", null)
            else {
                controller.updateViews("show-loading", null)

3.5 Custom a data handler

You must custom to handle list of commands:

  1. HANDSHAKE: to send LOGIN command
  2. LOGIN: to send APP_ACCESS or PLUGIN_INFO command

You should custom to handle list of commands:

  1. LOGIN_ERROR: Maybe to show a notification to user
  2. APP_ACCESS: Maybe to trigger something and allow user interact your application

Please take a look handler package to get default data handlers and this file for full example

    inner class ExHandshakeHandler : EzyHandshakeHandler() {
        override fun getLoginRequest(): EzyRequest {
            val connectionData = Mvc.getInstance()
            return EzyLoginRequest(
                connectionData["username"] as String,
                connectionData["password"] as String
    inner class ExLoginSuccessHandler : EzyLoginSuccessHandler() {
        override fun handleLoginSuccess(responseData: EzyData?) {
            val request = EzyAppAccessRequest(APP_NAME)

3.6 Setup an App

To listen and process response data of an application received from server you need setup to register handler mapped to command like this:

    val appSetup = setup.setupApp(APP_NAME)
    appSetup.addDataHandler(Commands.SUGGEST_CONTACTS, SuggestContactsResponseHandler())
    appSetup.addDataHandler(Commands.SEARCH_CONTACTS, SearchContactsResponseHandler())
    appSetup.addDataHandler(Commands.ADD_CONTACTS, AddContactsResponseHandler())
    appSetup.addDataHandler(Commands.CHAT_GET_CONTACTS, ContactsResponseHandler())
    appSetup.addDataHandler(Commands.CHAT_SYSTEM_MESSAGE, SystemMessageHandler())
    appSetup.addDataHandler(Commands.CHAT_USER_MESSAGE, ReceivedMessageHandler())

3.7 Connect to server

After setup the client and an app, it's time to connect to server

    client.connect(host, 3005)

3.8 Send a request to server

After connect to server and access an app successfully (you need ensure by handle APP_ACCESS response), you can allow interact and send a request to server:

    val data = EzyEntityFactory.newObjectBuilder()
        .append("keyword", keyword)
    app.send(Commands.SEARCH_CONTACTS, data)

And if you have accessed many application in the client, you must get the app you want to send a request

    val app = getClient()?.zone?.appManager?.getAppByName("appName")
    if(app != null) {
        val data = EzyEntityFactory.newObjectBuilder()
            .append("keyword", keyword)
        app.send(Commands.SEARCH_CONTACTS, data)

Please take a look EzyApp to see how an app send a request to server, look EzySimpleAppManager to see how to get an app. For full example please take a look this file

4. Conclusion

EzyFox Android SDK is a convenient library to connect to EzyFox server. You can free to use and free to customer anything you want. For full source code and more information, please take a look to Github.

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