EzyFox C++ Client SDK

Updated at 1699804294000

1. Introduce

EzyFox C++ SDK is a C/C++ client library of EzyFox Server. It supports TCP and UDP protocol and use MessagePack for data transportation. You can use this SDK for every projects use C/C++ (i.e android, iOS, desktop apps). It's free available and open source on Github

2. Installation

Clone ezyfox-server-cpp-client to your project:

    git clone https://github.com/youngmonkeys/ezyfox-server-cpp-client.git

For Android JNI, you need add this line to Android.mk file

import-module, ezyfox-client)

For Android use cmake, you need add two lines to CMakeLists.txt file

    target_link_libraries(${APP_NAME} ezyfox-client)

For iOS, you just need add ezyfox-client.xcodeproj to your project:

3. Coding

Completed source code avalable on Space Game example, class SocketClientProxy

3.1 Import

    #include "EzyHeaders.h"

3.2 Create a configuration

Please take a look EzyClientConfig class if you want to see more configurable fields.

    auto config = config::EzyClientConfig::create();

3.2 Create a Client

After create the configuration, you can create a client like this. Take a look EzyClient and EzyClients to get more information.

    mSocketClient = EzyUTClient::create(config);

3.3 Setup the Client

After create the client, let's setup it, 'setup' mean add event handlers and data handlers to the client. List of event handlers include:

  1. ConnectionSuccess: Fire when the client connected to server
  2. ConnectionFailure: Fire when the client connect to server failed
  3. Disconnection: Fire when the client was disconnected from server
  4. LostPing: Fire when client send ping but didn't received pong command from server
  5. TryConnect: Fire when the client connect to server failed and retry to connect again

Take a look EzyEventType class to get more information. List of data commands include:

  1. Error: Fire when the client received and error from server
  2. Handshake: Client send and receive handshake command
  3. Ping: Client send ping command to keep connection
  4. Pong: Fire when client received pong response from server
  5. Login: Client send and receive login command if login successfully
  6. LoginError: Fire when received login error response from server
  7. AppAccess: Client send this command to join to an application and receive when join successfully
  8. AppRequest: Client send data to an application on server and receive if there is any response
  9. AppExit: Client send to server to exit from an application
  10. AppAccessError: Fire when received join an application failed from server,
  11. AppRequestError: Fire when received an error response from application on server,
  12. PluginInfo: Client send to get information of a plugin and receive response from server,
  13. PluginRequest: lient send data to an plugin on server and receive if there is any response

Take a look constant package, EzyCommand class, EzyEventHandler class and EzyDataHandler class to get more information and you can setup the client like this:

    auto setup = mSocketClient->setup();
    setup->addEventHandler(event::ConnectionSuccess, new handler::EzyConnectionSuccessHandler());
    setup->addEventHandler(event::ConnectionFailure, new handler::EzyConnectionFailureHandler());
    setup->addEventHandler(event::Disconnection, new DisconnectionHandler());
    setup->addDataHandler(constant::Handshake, new HandshakeHandler());
    setup->addDataHandler(constant::Login, new LoginSuccessHandler());
    setup->addDataHandler(constant::LoginError, new handler::EzyLoginErrorHandler());
    setup->addDataHandler(constant::AppAccess, new AppAccessHandler());
    setup->addDataHandler(constant::UdpHandshake, new UdpHandshakeHandler());

For TCP we need follow by the authenticaiton flow:

For UDP we need follow by the authenticaiton flow:

3.4 Customer an event handler

You can custom to do everything you want, please take a look EzyEventHandler and EzyEventHandlers to see default event handlers and take a look to this file for full example.

    class DisconnectionHandler : public handler::EzyDisconnectionHandler {
        bool shouldReconnect(event::EzyDisconnectionEvent* event) override {
            return true;
        void postHandle(event::EzyDisconnectionEvent* event) override {

3.5 Custom a data handler

You must custom to handle list of commands:

  1. Handshake: to send Login command
  2. Login: to send AppAccess or PluginInfo command

You should custom to handle list of commands:

  1. LoginError: Maybe to show a notification to user
  2. AppAccess: Maybe to trigger something and allow user interact your application

Please take a look EzyDataHandler and EzyDataHandlers to get default data handlers and this file for full example

    class HandshakeHandler : public handler::EzyHandshakeHandler {
        request::EzyRequest* getLoginRequest() {
            auto request = request::EzyLoginRequest::create();
            auto data = new entity::EzyArray();
            return request;
    class LoginSuccessHandler : public handler::EzyLoginSuccessHandler {
        void handleLoginSuccess(entity::EzyValue* responseData) {

3.6 Setup an App

To listen and process response data of an application received from server you need setup to register handler mapped to command like this:

    auto appSetup = setup->setupApp(APP_NAME);
    appSetup->addDataHandler("reconnect", new ReconnectResponseHandler());
    appSetup->addDataHandler("getGameId", new GetGameIdResponseHandler());
    appSetup->addDataHandler("startGame", new StartGameResponseHandler());

3.7 Connect to server

After setup the client and an app, it's time to connect to server

    mSocketClient->connect("", 3005); // replace by your server address and port

3.8 Send a request to server

After connect to server and access an app successfully (you need ensure by handle APP_ACCESS response), you can allow interact and send a request to server

Send a TCP request

    auto request = new entity::EzyObject();
    request->setString("gameName", GAME_NAME);
    mSocketClient->getApp()->send("getGameId", request);

Send an UDP request

    auto position = new entity::EzyObject();
    position->setDouble("x", x);
    position->setDouble("y", y);
    position->setDouble("z", 0);
    auto request = new entity::EzyObject();
    request->setString("gameName", GAME_NAME);
    request->setInt("gameId", gameId);
    request->setInt("objectId", objectId);
    request->setString("objectName", objectName);
    request->setBool("visible", visible);
    request->setObject("position", position);
    auto app = mSocketClient->getApp();
    if(app) {
        app->udpSend("syncPosition", request);

And if you have accessed many application in the client, you must get the app you want to send a request:

    auto zone = mSocketClient->getZone();
    auto appManager = zone->getAppManager();
    auto app1 = appManager->getAppByName("appName");
    app1->send("requestCommand", request);

Please take a look EzyApp class to see how an app send a request to server, look EzyAppManager to see how to get an app. For full example please take a look this file

Start event loop

If you application has no loop update, you need add:

    socket::EzyMainEventsLoop* eventsLoop = new socket::EzyMainEventsLoop();

If your application has a loop update, you just need to call:


4. Conclusion

EzyFox C++ client SDK is a convenient library to connect to EzyFox server. You can free to use and free to customer anything you want. For full source code and more information, please take a look to Github.

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