Handle Exceptions

Updated at 1685685417000
EzyFox Server provides 3 way to help you handle exception easily

1. Use default exception

EzyFox Server provide to you EzyBadRequestException as a default exception. It will handle this exception and response the err command to client. Example this code fragment:

    public ChatResponse chatToMe(ChatRequest request) {
        if (EzyStrings.isBlank(request.getWho())) {
            throw new EzyBadRequestException(400, "badRequest");
        return new ChatResponse(greeting.greet(request.getWho()));

EzyFox Server will catch the exception and handle it to return to client command error with data like this:

\[400, badRequest\]

You can find out full source code in ChatRequestController example.

2. Handle exception in a controller

If your exception only happends in a controller scope, you should handle it in that controller like this:

    public class ChatRequestController extends EzyLoggable {
        // request handlers
        public void handle(
                BadWhoRequestException e,
                EzyUser user,
                String cmd, 
                Object data) {
            logger.error("try cath BadWhoRequestException, cmd: {}, data: {}", cmd, data, e);
                .data(EzyEntityObjects.newObject("who", "invalid"))

You can find out full source code in ChatRequestController example.

3. Handle exceptions in a global handler

If your exceptions happen in many controller, and you want to save time and avoid source code duplication, you can create a global handler class to handle that exceptions like this:

    public class GlobalExceptionHandler extends EzyLoggable {
        private final EzyResponseFactory responseFactory;
        public void handle(
            InvalidChatRequestException e,
            EzyUserSessionEvent event,
            String command,
            Object request
        ) {
            logger.info("invalid chat request, command: {}, data: {}", command, request, e);
                .data(EzyEntityObjects.newObject("request", "invalid"))
        public void handle(
                IllegalArgumentException e,
                EzySession session,
                String cmd, 
                @EzyRequestData Object data
        ) {
            logger.error("try cath IllegalArgumentException, cmd: {}, data: {}", cmd, data, e);
                .data(EzyEntityObjects.newObject("arguments", "invalid"))
        public void handle(
                Exception e,
                String cmd, 
                @EzyRequestData Object data
        ) throws Exception {
            throw e;

You can find out full source code in GlobalExceptionHandler example.

Next step

You can choose a way to login to EzyFox Server

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