Use Embedded Server
Updated at 1685685110000Traditionally, to host EzyFox Server's applications and plugin, you installed a single EzyFox Server on your server, and pushed all of modules onto that one server. But in many cases you just have one service (one application and one plugin), so you will want to consist the single service along with a full EzyFox Server distribution, packaged together and compressed into a single JAR. So an embedded server is a better choice.
1. Add dependencies
<dependency> <groupId>com.tvd12</groupId> <artifactId>ezyfox-server-embedded</artifactId> <version>1.2.9</version> </dependency>
You can find out the latest version on maven central
2. Setting an embedded server
2.1 Create a Plugin Entry
For more details, you can look at Hello World PluginEntry
public static class HelloPluginEntry extends EzySimplePluginEntry { @Override protected String[] getScanableBeanPackages() { return new String[] { "com.tvd12.ezyfoxserver.embedded.test" // replace by your package }; } }
2.2 Create an App Entry
For more details, you can look at the Hello World AppEntry
public static class HelloAppEntry extends EzySimpleAppEntry { @Override protected String[] getScanablePackages() { return new String[] { "com.tvd12.ezyfoxserver.embedded.test" // replace by your package }; } }
2.3 Setting
EzyPluginSettingBuilder pluginSettingBuilder = new EzyPluginSettingBuilder() .name("hello") .addListenEvent(EzyEventType.USER_LOGIN) .entryLoader(HelloPluginEntryLoader.class); EzyAppSettingBuilder appSettingBuilder = new EzyAppSettingBuilder() .name("hello") .entryLoader(HelloAppEntryLoader.class); EzyZoneSettingBuilder zoneSettingBuilder = new EzyZoneSettingBuilder() .name("hello") .application( .plugin(; EzySimpleSettings settings = new EzySettingsBuilder() .zone( .build();
3. Create and Start an Embedded Server
EzyEmbeddedServer server = EzyEmbeddedServer.builder() .settings(settings) .build(); server.start();
4. An Example
For the completed example, you can look at HelloWorlStartup class
import com.tvd12.ezyfox.bean.EzyBeanContext; import; import com.tvd12.ezyfoxserver.constant.EzyEventType; import com.tvd12.ezyfoxserver.embedded.EzyEmbeddedServer; import com.tvd12.ezyfoxserver.ext.EzyAbstractAppEntryLoader; import com.tvd12.ezyfoxserver.ext.EzyAbstractPluginEntryLoader; import com.tvd12.ezyfoxserver.ext.EzyAppEntry; import com.tvd12.ezyfoxserver.ext.EzyPluginEntry; import com.tvd12.ezyfoxserver.setting.EzyAppSettingBuilder; import com.tvd12.ezyfoxserver.setting.EzyPluginSettingBuilder; import com.tvd12.ezyfoxserver.setting.EzySettingsBuilder; import com.tvd12.ezyfoxserver.setting.EzySimpleSettings; import com.tvd12.ezyfoxserver.setting.EzyZoneSettingBuilder; import; import; import; public class HelloEmbeddedServer { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { EzyPluginSettingBuilder pluginSettingBuilder = new EzyPluginSettingBuilder() .name("hello") .addListenEvent(EzyEventType.USER_LOGIN) .entryLoader(HelloPluginEntryLoader.class); EzyAppSettingBuilder appSettingBuilder = new EzyAppSettingBuilder() .name("hello") .entryLoader(HelloAppEntryLoader.class); EzyZoneSettingBuilder zoneSettingBuilder = new EzyZoneSettingBuilder() .name("hello") .application( .plugin(; EzySimpleSettings settings = new EzySettingsBuilder() .zone( .build(); EzyEmbeddedServer server = EzyEmbeddedServer.builder() .settings(settings) .build(); server.start(); } public static class HelloAppEntry extends EzySimpleAppEntry { @Override protected String[] getScanablePackages() { return new String[] { "com.tvd12.ezyfoxserver.embedded.test" // replace by your package }; } @Override protected EzyAppRequestController newUserRequestController(EzyBeanContext beanContext) { return EzyUserRequestAppSingletonController.builder() .beanContext(beanContext) .build(); } } public static class HelloAppEntryLoader extends EzyAbstractAppEntryLoader { @Override public EzyAppEntry load() throws Exception { return new HelloAppEntry(); } } public static class HelloPluginEntry extends EzySimplePluginEntry { @Override protected String[] getScanableBeanPackages() { return new String[] { "com.tvd12.ezyfoxserver.embedded.test.plugin" // replace by your package }; } } public static class HelloPluginEntryLoader extends EzyAbstractPluginEntryLoader { @Override public EzyPluginEntry load() throws Exception { return new HelloPluginEntry(); } } }
5. Take a test
Open the test file on your browser, enter you name and click the connect button. You can look at hello-world project for the completed source code of the example.
Next step
We will try to setup embedded server.