Add badge to admin menu item
Updated at 1691742808000Overview
Typically, for menu items leading to a list of data, you might want to visually display the number of items, as shown below:
Suppose you need to add the number of items to the following menu items:
- Trash can for posts -
. - List of posts -
. - Trash can for pages -
. - List of pages -
. - List of terms -
You can achieve this as follows:
@EzySingleton @AllArgsConstructor public class AdminEzyArticleViewDecorator implements ViewDecorator { private final AdminPostService postService; private final AdminPageService pageService; private final AdminTermService termService; private final AdminMenuService menuService; @Override public void decorate(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, View view) { Reactive.multiple() .register( "ezyarticle.posts.trash", () -> postService.countByStatus( PostStatus.TRASH ) ) .register( "ezyarticle.posts.list", () -> postService.countPostsByStatuses( Arrays.asList( PostStatus.DRAFT, PostStatus.PUBLISHED ) ) ) .register( "ezyarticle.pages.trash", () -> pageService.countPagesByStatus( PostStatus.TRASH ) ) .register( "ezyarticle.pages.list", () -> pageService.countPagesByStatuses( Arrays.asList( PostStatus.DRAFT, PostStatus.PUBLISHED ) ) ) .register( "ezyarticle.posts.terms", termService::countAll ) .blockingConsume(it -> { view.putKeyValuesToVariable( VIEW_VARIABLE_MENUITEM_BADGES, it.valueMap() ); long postTrashCount = it.get("ezyarticle.posts.trash", 0L); long pageTrashCount = it.get("ezyarticle.pages.trash", 0L); view.putKeyValueToVariable( VIEW_VARIABLE_MENUITEM_BADGES, "ezyarticle.posts.trash", postTrashCount - pageTrashCount ); }); view.putKeyValueToVariable( VIEW_VARIABLE_MENU_BADGES, "ezyarticle.menus", menuService.countAllMenus() ); } }
Here, the variable names will have the form: <module name>.<menu name>.[menu item name]
Note: If the module name is a phrase like youngmonkeys-website
, it should be converted to underscores. For example, the variable name would be youngmonkeys_website.projects