EzyPlatform Statistics APIs

Updated at 1693409527000


  1. EzyPlatform Software: The EzyPlatform software that you install on your localhost or server.
  2. ezyplatform.com: The platform that allows you to download the EzyPlatform software and the provided plugins.
  3. Target or Target Type: Components of EzyPlatform software that you use, including:
  • admin: The admin component running on port 9090.
  • socket: The socket component running on ports 3005 (TCP), 2208 (ws), 2812 (wss), 2611 (UDP).
  • web: The website component running on port 8080.


ezyplatform.com does not collect any sensitive user information. However, to improve the quality of the EzyPlatform product, ezyplatform.com may collect the following statistical information:

  1. Whether a specific target is started or stopped.
  2. Whether a plugin is activated, deactivated, or deleted.

ezyplatform.com does not actively collect statistical data; it is called by the EzyPlatform product via API.

How to Block Sending Statistical Data

You can go to the settings section and set allow_send_statistics_data = false.

General Information

  1. All statistical data is sent to https://ezyplatform.com.
  2. All APIs require the platformKey header, which is generated automatically by ezyplatform.com each time the EzyPlatform software calls it. This key is used to identify the EzyPlatform software.
  3. platformVersion path variable: The version of the EzyPlatform software.

API for Statistical Start Admin

POST - /api/v1/platforms/{platformVersion}/targets/admin/start {data}

In which, data is the data sent with the API, in the form of:

public class PlatformAdminStartRequest {
    private List<Project> projects;

Containing a list of plugins installed in your EzyPlatform software. Project has the following format:

public static class Project {
    private String projectName;
    private String projectVersion;
    private Map<ModuleType, PlatformInstallModuleStatus> modules;
  1. projectName: The name of the plugin.
  2. projectVersion: The version of the plugin.
  3. modules: A map of PlatformInstallModuleStatus with ModuleType.
  4. ModuleType: One of the constants: THEME, WEB_PLUGIN, SOCKET_APP, SOCKET_PLUGIN, and ADMIN_PLUGIN.
  5. PlatformInstallModuleStatus: One of the constants: INSTALLED, ACTIVATED, DEACTIVATED, DELETED.

API for Statistical Start Web or Socket

POST - /api/v1/platforms/{platformVersion}/targets/{target}/start

Where target is the target type.

API for Statistical Stop Admin

POST - /api/v1/platforms/{platformVersion}/targets/admin/stop

API for Statistical Stop Web or Socket

POST - /api/v1/platforms/{platformVersion}/targets/{target}/stop

Where target is the target type.

API for Statistical Activate Plugin

POST - /api/v1/platforms/{platformVersion}/projects/{projectName}/{projectVersion}/activate {data}


  1. projectName: The name of the plugin.
  2. projectVersion: The version of the plugin.
  3. data: In the following format.
public class PlatformProjectActionRequest {
    private Set<ModuleType> moduleTypes;

Containing a list of ModuleTypes to activate.

API for Statistical Deactivate Plugin

POST - /v1/platforms/{platformVersion}/projects/{projectName}/{projectVersion}/deactivate {data}


  1. projectName: The name of the plugin.
  2. projectVersion: The version of the plugin.
  3. data: In the format of PlatformProjectActionRequest containing a list of ModuleType to deactivate.

API for Statistical Delete Plugin

POST - /api/v1/platforms/{platformVersion}/projects/{projectName}/{projectVersion}/delete {data}


  1. projectName: The name of the plugin.
  2. projectVersion: The version of the plugin.
  3. data: In the format of PlatformProjectActionRequest containing a list of ModuleType to delete.