Install EzyPlatform

Updated at 1742654127000

Using Docker

You can run the following command:

docker pull youngmonkeys/ezyplatform

To download the Docker image. Then run the command:

docker run --name=ezyplatform -p 9090:9090 -p 8080:8080 -p 18080:18080 -p 3005:3005 -p 2208:2208 -p 2611:2611/udp -d youngmonkeys/ezyplatform:latest

Docker has an issue, it may not automatically apply plugin in after restart, so you need to move admin dashboard and web dashboard to restart manually.

Please note that running ezyplatform with Docker is only for testing and experiencing purposes. To use ezyplatform in the long term, you must not use Docker as instructed below.

Mysql credential is: root/12345678

Not using Docker

Installation Steps

  1. Download and install JDK 8. You can download from oracle here.
  2. Setup JAVA_HOME environment variable, you can take a look here.
  3. Install Mysql, you can refer to the MySQL documentation.
  4. Go to the EzyPlatform home page and download the installation package.
  5. Extract the downloaded file to obtain the EzyPlatform folder. Open this folder.
  6. Open the settings/ file and modify the corresponding datasource information.

Please make sure you're running Java 8 by run command java -version to check.

For Linux, MacOS

  1. Open the terminal and navigate to the downloaded EzyPlatform folder using the cd command.
  2. Run the command: bash "console admin". If you see EZYHTTP READY displayed, it means you have successfully installed it. If an exception occurs, it means you have misconfigured the datasource.
  3. Access the following URL: http://localhost:9090/setup-admin.
  4. Fill in the necessary information to create a super admin account.
  5. After successfully entering the information, click the submit button to complete the EzyPlatform installation.
  6. Return to the terminal and press crlt + C to exit the console mode.
  7. Run the command: bash "start admin" ; tail -f logs/admin-server.log to start EzyPlatform in the background and monitor any error logs thrown. However, usually there won't be any errors at this step.
  8. If you want to start the website, access the following URL: http://localhost:9090/dashboard/web and click the start button. However, at this point, only the default theme will be started, so you will need to download a different theme according to your preference.
  9. If you want to start the socket server, access the following URL: http://localhost:9090/dashboard/socket and click the start button.

For Windows

  1. Open the command prompt (cmd) and navigate to the downloaded EzyPlatform folder using the cd command.
  2. Run the command: .\cli.bat "console admin". If you see EZYHTTP READY displayed, it means you have successfully installed it. If an exception occurs, it means you have misconfigured the datasource.
  3. Access the following URL: http://localhost:9090/setup-admin.
  4. Fill in the necessary information to create a super admin account.
  5. After successfully entering the information, click the Submit button to complete the EzyPlatform installation.
  6. If you want to start the website, open a new cmd, navigate to ezyplatform, and run the command .\cli.bat "console web". However, at this point, only the default theme will be launched, so you'll need to download another theme according to your preference.
  7. If you want to start the socket page, open a new cmd, navigate to ezyplatform, and run the command .\cli.bat "console socket".

Stop EzyPlatform

  1. For Linux: Run the command: bash stop.
  2. For Windows: Close all cmd windows.

The next step you can take is: Add a plugin to your installed EzyPlatform.

Setup EZYPLATFORM_HOME environment

Set the EZYPLATFORM_HOME environment variable to the path of the extracted folder from step 5. For example:

export EZYPLATFORM_HOME=/path/to/ezyplatform

To make this setting persistent, add the above line to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc file and then run:

source ~/.bash_profile
# or
source ~/.zshrc
  1. Open Control Panel → System and Security → System.
  2. Click Advanced system settings → Environment Variables.
  3. Under System variables, click New and add:
  • Variable name: EZYPLATFORM_HOME
  • Variable value: C:/path/to/ezyplatform
  1. Click OK to save the changes.

After setting the environment variable, you can verify it by running the following command:

Windows (Command Prompt):

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